The PocketQuery Entities
From reading “Data Integration” you know that PocketQuery is a Data Mediator. Its job is to display data from various different datasources in Confluence pages, through a macro. Every time this macro is executed, there’s 3 questions that must be answered:
Where should PocketQuery fetch data from?
What data should PocketQuery pull?
How should the data be presented in the Confluence page?
To answer these questions, PocketQuery introduces the so-called “PocketQuery Entities”. These can be configured in the PocketQuery Administration. Here’s a short overview over the available types:
Datasources define where PocketQuery should fetch data from. A Datasource can for example be a REST API, or a JDBC database. Typically, they contain information such as a URL, a user, and a password.

Queries define what data should be pulled from a given Datasource. A Query can for example be a SQL statement, or a path that is appended to the base URL of a REST API.

Templates define how the data that a Query produces should be displayed in a Confluence page. A template can for example produce a table or a chart.

Converters define how the data that a Query produces shall be processed. They can for example filter the result, sort it, or even completely rearrange the structure of the data - before it is passed into a Template.

These configuration entities are chained together to form “The PocketQuery Pipeline”. Understanding this, will be the last part of PocketQuery theory.