Known Issue: Deserialization Problems
We have seen a deserialization problem associated with the storage layer implemented in PocketQuery for Confluence (Server/DC). To our knowledge, this appears only on the Data Center platform, and very infrequently. If you are affected by this problem, you will see that some entities (datasources, queries, templates, converters) might not show up in your administration and become unusable. This is usually accompanied with warning logs like this:
Null was retrieved for entity type {de.scandio.confluence.plugins.pocketquery.entities.Database} was retrieved for key {a3496b3a-f79f-4a31-8a3c-5f204d2ef5aa}
First of all, please note that your data is safe and there is no risk for data loss with any of the operations below. At any time, please don’t hesitate to raise a support ticket, describing the details of your Confluence (version, DC or Server, etc.) and your version of our app.
Approach 1
Flush all caches at "Confluence Admin > General Configuration > Cache Management" at the bottom of the page.
Check if the problem is solved.
Approach 2
Uninstall our app under "Confluence Admin > General Configuration > Manage Apps".
Flush all caches under "Confluence Admin > General Configuration > Cache Management" at the bottom of the page.
Reinstall our app.
Check if the problem is solved.
Approach 3
Uninstall our app under "Confluence Admin > General Configuration > Manage Apps".
Shut down Confluence.
Clear the Confluence plugin caches as described here.
Restart Confluence.
Reinstall our app.