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How to make a PocketQuery table only take the space it needs (and not the full width of the page)

Using a new template

  1. Go to the PocketQuery Administration

  2. Go to "Templates" and click on "Add Template"

  3. Name it "auto_resizable_table" and copy & paste following code into "content"

    <table class="aui confluenceTable pocketquery-table" style="width: auto;">
            #foreach ($column in $columns)
                <th style="white-space: nowrap;">$!column</th>
            #foreach ($row in $result)
                #foreach ($column in $row)
  4. Go to your Query and select "auto_resizable_table" as its Template

Using an existing template

Modify your template by adding a style="width: auto;" attribute to your table like this:

<table class="aui confluenceTable pocketquery-table" style="width: auto;">


Default Template without style="width: auto;"

Modified Template including style="width: auto;"

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