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Migration Path

We recommend you migrate your datasources, queries, templates and converter via the PocketQuery Global Import/Export feature in Confluence.


  • Confluence Server instance

  • Confluence Cloud instance

  • On both instances:

    • Latest version of PocketQuery installed

    • Confluence admin permissions

Migrations steps

These steps will explain how you can migrate your PocketQuery entities from Confluence Server to a Confluence Cloud instance.

Step 1. Move content to Confluence Cloud

Follow the Cloud Migration Guide to move your Confluence content from Server to Cloud.

Step 2: Export PocketQuery entities on Confluence Server

On the Confluence Server instance:

  1. Navigate in the Confluence Administration to PocketQuery → Import/Export

  2. Click on the “Export“ button under “Global Export“

  3. An XML file with all the PocketQuery entities has been downloaded

Step 3: Import PocketQuery entities on Confluence Cloud

On the Confluence Cloud instance:

  1. Navigate to the PocketQuery Administration via Apps → PocketQuery

  2. Click on the tab “Import/Export“ at the top

  3. Under “Import Entities“, select the file you have downloaded from Confluence server and click “Upload“

  4. Read the Import Validation Result and click “Perform import“

  5. All your datasources, queries, templates and converter are now migrated to Confluence Cloud

Step 4: Configure PocketQuery Administrator and Editor Groups

On the Confluence Server instance:

  1. Navigate in the Confluence Administration to PocketQuery → Configuration

  2. Note down the configured administrators and editors group

If the group configuration is empty, no further steps are required on the Confluence Cloud instance.

On the Confluence Cloud instance:

  1. Navigate in the Confluence Settings to Atlassian Marketplace → PocketQuery

  2. Apply the noted down administrators and editors group in the settings form accordingly

Still Unclear? Reach Out to Us

If you need help with any of these migration steps, please create a ticket. We are happy to help! 🙂

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