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The Default Template

The default template of PocketQuery produces a simple Jira table. The result looks like this:

The table has two columns Name and Population, according to the SELECT clause of the query. 

Templates for PocketQuery are written in Velocity, a Java templating language used in Jira. Let’s have a look at the code of the default PocketQuery template that is selected by default for all queries.

<table class="aui pocketquery-table">
        #foreach ($column in $columns)
        #foreach ($row in $result)
            #foreach ($column in $row)

Nothing fancy here: there is one loop for the header that runs through the column names and one loop (with another nested loop) running through the result. Note that the variables $columns and $result are passed to any PocketQuery template, so you can use them as you please. For a more formal specification of what kind of objects are available in PocketQuery templates, see the PocketQuery documentation on templates.

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