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Migration Path

We recommend you manually migrate your email and Slack configuration.


  • Confluence Server instance

  • Confluence Cloud instance

  • On both instances:

    • Latest version of Task Reminder installed

    • Confluence admin permissions

Migrations steps

These steps will explain how you can migrate your Task Reminder settings from Confluence Server to a Confluence Cloud instance.

Step 1. Move content to Confluence Cloud

Follow the Cloud Migration Guide to move your Confluence content from Server to Cloud.

Step 2: Manually migrate email settings

On the Confluence Server instance:

  1. Navigate to Task Reminder → Email Settings in the Confluence Administration

  2. Keep the page open, for example in an additional browser tab

On the Confluence Cloud instance:

  1. Navigate to Task Reminder → Email Settings in the Confluence Administration

  2. Configure “Who should receive Email reminders“ like on the server instance ( ⚠ limited options in the Cloud)

  3. Configure “When should Task Reminder send Email reminders“ like on the server instance ( ⚠ configuration changed from cron expression to select fields)

  4. Skip “What spaces should be searched for unresolved tasks“ as this feature is new in the cloud.

  5. Configure “What tasks should be included“ like on the server instance

“How should tasks be presented” is not available in the cloud version.

Step 3: Manually migrate Slack settings

On the Confluence Server instance:

  1. Navigate to Task Reminder → Email Settings in the Confluence Administration

  2. Keep the page open, for example in an additional browser tab

On the Confluence Cloud instance:

  1. Navigate to Task Reminder → Email Settings in the Confluence Administration

  2. Connect Task Reminder to your Slack workspace

  3. Configure “Who should receive Email reminders“ like on the server instance ( ⚠ limited options in the cloud)

  4. Configure “When should Task Reminder send Email reminders“ like on the server instance ( ⚠ configuration changed from cron expression to select fields)

  5. Skip “What spaces should be searched for unresolved tasks“ as this feature is new in the cloud.

  6. Configure “What tasks should be included“ like on the server instance

Still Unclear? Reach Out to Us

If you need help with any of these migration steps, please create a ticket. We are happy to help! 🙂

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