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Usage Statistics Macro

Add the 'Usage Statistics' macro to your Confluence page and easily select the specific metrics you want to track.

Using the Macro Browser:

  1. Edit Page: Open the Confluence page you want to edit.

  2. Select “Insert Elements”: Select “+” from the toolbar, search “Usage” and save your page.

Insert Usage Statistics using the macro browser

Using the Slash Command:

  1. Edit Page: Open the Confluence page you want to edit.

  2. Type Slash: In Edit mode, type '/' to activate the slash command.

  3. Select Macro: Begin typing “Usage” and select it from the suggestions.

  4. Save your page

Insert Usage Statistics using the slash command

Advanced Configuration

When in the page's edit mode, click on the Usage Statistics macro to reveal the macro toolbar below. Then, click the pencil icon to proceed:

Display the macro toolbar

See the sidebar on the left for more configuration options:

Sidebar with advanced configuration


How To

Select spaces to scan

Space Keys: Provide the space keys to select the spaces to be scanned.

Include/Exclude metrics

Customize Metrics: Choose which metrics to include or exclude from the macro.

Show heading with space names

Display Space Names: Opt to show a heading with space names.

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