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Recordings storage

Recordings are stored as simple page attachments. They never leave your Confluence (if you do not download them) so you can rest assured about the security of your video/screen captures. All metadata are stored together with the attachment, so once you delete the attachment, all its references and details are gone.

After you create and upload a recording, it is attached to the page, on which it was created. Moreover, the attachment is marked with a special indexed property:


This property has an alias lively_recording. This property is set to ‘true’ when the attachment is a valid recording. You can use the alias to query recordings. However, please never modify this property. If you change this value, the recorder will not be able to access your recording anymore. For example, the query might look as follows:

type=attachment and lively_recording=true

In the case you want to search for all attachments under a specific page, you can also add the ‘container’ parameter, which refers to the page ID. The final query is then the following:

type=attachment and lively_recording=true and container={PAGE_ID}

You can use this query to search for content using the Confluence REST API. For more information, refer to the official Confluence Cloud REST API Documentation where you can find all the essential details.


Every recording also has two labels: the first one, lively-recorder, is shared by all recordings. Thus, you can use it to find all recordings in your Confluence instance. The second label refers to the type of the recording: a screen capture (screen-recording) or a video capture (video-recording).

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