Velocity API Available in Templates
Velocity enables you to use a number of variables and call methods on specific objects. When writing PocketQuery for Jira templates, the following variables and objects are available:
All variables given by the Velocity NumberTool
Additionally, there are various objects available that are specific to PocketQuery for Jira:
$result (List of Map<String,Object>) | The result of the query. This is a List of Maps, e.g.:
$pocketErrors (List) | A list of errors (if any) that occured executing the PocketQuery for Jira app |
$stackTrace (String) | The stack trace of the last error (if any) |
$debug (Boolean) | True if debug mode is enabled, false otherwise |
$issue (Issue) | The current Jira issue |
$project (Project) | The current Jira project |
$user (User) | The current Jira user |
App Parameters
$processedMacroParameters (Map<String,Object>) | Parameters set for the macro, each of them is also directly accessible. Includes the options debug, dynamicloadinitially, as well as the queryname and the queryparameterstring (parameter map as string). |
$debug (Boolean) | Whether or not the debug option is enabled |
$dynamicloadinitially (Boolean) | Whether or not the option "Load macro dynamically" is enabled |
$query (Query) | The query object (contains all fields of a query entity described above) |
$queryName (String) | The name of the query |
$queryparameterstring (String) | Map queryparameters formatted as String. |
$queryParameters (Map<String, Object>) | Parameters that were given to the query in the PocketQuery for Jira macro (in the macro browser or by GET parameters) |
$queryExecutionTime (Long) | Time in milliseconds the database transaction took |
$rawResult (Object) | Raw query result |
$date (Date) | Date object, initialized to the time of app execution |
$dateFormatter (DateFormatter) | DateFormatter object for Confluence-oriented date formatting |
$numberTool (NumberTool) | NumberTool object for number formatting |
$math (MathTool) | MathTool object for advanced math operations |
$sums (Map<String, Long>) | Contains the summed up values of all columns of the result that contain only numeric values. Each value can be accessed using $sums.get("columnName") or $sums.columnName |
The PocketQuery for Jira Velocity Helper
In addition to the objects above, there is a global Velocity helper object available in PocketQuery for Jira templates that contains some utility methods. You can access this helper with the context key $PocketQuery
. Below you find a list of the methods that are currently available.
$PocketQuery.dataTags(Map<String, Object> params)
| Will produce an HTML data attributes string from the given parameters. If a map like { one: ‘1’, two: ‘2’ } is given, the result will be ‘data-one=”1” data-two=”2”‘. Example in Velocity templates:
This will produce: