Setting up reminders for your users
As an administrator, you can set up reminders for you users via the Task Reminder settings. After you have installed Task Reminder, you’ll be able to find the Task Reminder settings in the left sidebar of the Confluence administration. Task Reminder can send you notifications both via email and Slack.
After heading to one of these pages, make sure to click the big toggle in the “Task Reminder Status“ box, to enable reminders. Once you have enabled them, you can configure the following on this page:
Who should receive reminders.
When reminders should be sent.
What kind of tasks should be includes in the notifications.
Additionally, if you’re on the Slack settings page, you can also connect your Slack workspace.
Let’s start by setting up the recipients. Select a group of users that you want to receive reminders. For the start, it might make sense to select a smaller group (e.g.: site-admins
) to test out the functionality before you open it up to a broader range of users. Later, you can enter up to 5 groups into this field.
Next, we need to configure the schedule so Task Reminder knows when to send emails. Again, for the start it might make sense to set Task Reminder to run the next hour from now, before you set up an actual schedule. (e.g.: say it’s Wednesday at around 1:30 PM → enable Task Reminder for Wednesday at 2:00 PM) Also, make sure you don’t forget to set your time zone correctly!
Lastly, you can change the configuration of what tasks should be included in the reminder email to your liking, this is however not required. If you want more information on what these settings mean, please refer to our settings documentation.
That’s it! Given that you have an unresolved Confluence task, you should be getting a reminder email the next time the Task Reminder job runs. 🥳 (If you don’t know whether you have an unresolved Confluence task and/or do not know how to create one, click here)
Not receiving reminders?
If you are not receiving reminders, you likely don’t have any Confluence tasks assigned to you. Refer to our article on how to create Confluence tasks for more information. Additionally, it might make sense for you to look into the official documentation on Confluence tasks as well. If you’re still having trouble receiving notifications after that, you might want to check out the steps detailed in our “Why am I not receiving reminders?” troubleshooting article.
Continue with “Viewing all tasks in a Confluence space“